I am quiet annoyed.
I find that most of the time im pretty easy going about things and dont really care.
But now im just fed up.
Yes it just started with a few things, that i brushed aside because i dont like making a big deal about things but now im just pissed.
Happily enough i bought this Wheels and Dollbaby cardi that i had wanted for ages, happy with my purchase i was on my way.
But when someone you know tends to mooch off my style its just down right annoying, when you pay that much for something you dont want someone who only just discovered the brand b because you took them to the particular store, is now in love.
Where has this sense of self style gone?
I admire things other people have and rarely ever buy something that someone else has, i believe in finding my own treasures and brands.
First it was oh i found this brand im in love with its called Wildfoxx, when only a month earlier i had bought a sweatshirt and had said it was a brand called Wildfoxx.
Its a very stupid and immature thing to whinge about this but id rather someone admit they are copying instead of acting doe eye stupid about it.
This will be the end of me.
From now on i shop alone, and dont exploit labels that i use my own eyes to discover.