Saturday, December 12, 2009

Snatch n Grab

Why are things so hard and complicated
I am definately in over my head
And going with my strong willed personality always taking too much i can handle.
Leaving me where I am now.
Upset and confused.

It just goes, you help someone out, you expect it would be returned?
Only in my case its never returned to full value.
Or am i just being selfish and asking too much?
Or even worse if you have to ask for it to be returned?

Definately doing a full circle talking bullshit
but this is how my mind is working at the moment.

Im definately in a postion i shouldnt be dealing with, but someone with life experience and wisdom with psychological bullshit.
Coz im starting to crack, when you do this for so long and try to help and of course when you dont see results theres that lack of disapointment and anger.

I feel like this is just dragging us both down, and im willing to try as im one who doesnt give up on things that i feel passionate about, but if the heart isnt there then what is?

Ive given so much, one might even say too much not to be arrogant, but the amount of bullshit ive been though you probablly wouldnt believe.
Yet im still here.

I dont expect much, but i do expect sinceriety.
And on occasion for me to be put first for once.

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